Not too long ago, trolling the internet, I found a website for the Everything To Do With Sex Show, which would soon be in our city. I mentioned it to L and we decided we'd like to go together. We looked over the lists of Main Stage Shows, Dungeon Stage Shows and Seminars, and based on what we were interested in seeing and the times they were offered, planned our visit accordingly. We arrived, got our tickets and headed inside.
As soon as we entered, we were approached by someone offering a free gift if we signed up with their website. Having a number of 'mischief' email addresses, I used one to sign up and got my coupon for a free vibrating cock ring. We walked down the front row to one end of the vast room and started our walk up and down the aisles. I've been to trade shows before, but never to a sex show and I was a little surprised at the clientele. I kind of expected the average visitors to be younger couples, perhaps in their 20's or early 30's. While that demographic was certainly represented, I was interested to see that there were also many older couples - many in their 50's and 60's - in attendance as well, holding hands as they walked around! Like us, most attendees looked like normal couples you might find next door. Had you ever been to a show like this before, L?
No, I hadn't either so I was curious to see what it was like. We arrived early in the afternoon so it wasn't very busy. We cruised up and down the aisles trying to get a general idea of what was there. It was like most other trade shows you may have attended, booths both big and small with vendors displaying their wares. From sex toys to bondage gear, strip clubs to tattooists there was a wide variety interesting things to see and buy. As we travelled the aisles there was an erotic fashion show underway at the back of the large show hall. Eventually we worked our way to the far back corner where a smaller stage had been set up for presentations. As we walked up, a woman - Lady J - dressed in leather was demonstrating tying up on a volunteer. Oh, I think I forgot to mention that this seminar area was call the Dungeon Stage and her presentation was entitled "I'm a Little Tied Up". She then moved on to discuss what she referred to as "pervertables". These are inexpensive items you can buy at the dollar store but can also be used for sexy play. She offered helpful tips on where to test clips to determine how much they would hurt while she applied her dollar store sourced clothespins to her willing volunteer.
Yes I think we got a lot of good ideas out of that presentation and I suspect a trip to the dollar store will be coming soon! The seminars were put on by Good for Her and they did a great job. I got a copy of their brochure - their seminars are varied and reasonably priced and I can't wait to sign up for some of them. The first seminar we attended happened to be the one that I was most interested in. For a while now, I have wanted to do a lap dance for L as kind of a fun thing to get him going (I hope!) and to help get me out of my shell a bit more. We found seats and got comfortable, ready to watch the seminar, only to find out it was to be interactive! I thought, "What the heck!" and pulled out his chair so there'd be room for me to move around it and I got started learning the dance. I have to say I amazed myself. Several other couples also participated interactively, while many more just sat and looked on. We happened to be the only participating couple in the area where we sat so I think we stood out, but nonetheless, I found the fortitude to gyrate, run my hands all over my curvy body, dance and rub my (albeit fully clothed) butt and boobs all over L in public and even ended up sitting in his lap with my legs up in the air! What a blast! That night I was still so excited about it, I hastened to pick out some hot music and started to work out a more private offering for L. (I'm sure we'll share it with you when it happens, but in the meantime, shhh...don't tell L!)
The first seminar we attended was an introduction to lap dancing. The first thing the presenter had us do was unlink the carefully arranged chairs so participants could move a chair to an area of the room where they could practice their dance moves around it. My job was to sit in the chair and act as a prop for Vixen. Many of the women at the seminar were unaccompanied and had to dance to an empty chair. As the instructor led the room through a lap dance routine I was treated to views of numerous women doing their best sexy moves. Vixen was very understanding about my wandering eye and my focus returned to her as she lightly buffed my lap with her backside and rubbed her breasts over my neck and head from behind. We had been admonished that touching was not allowed it took great effort not to reach out and touch my curvy princess as she danced for me.
After the lap dance seminar we wandered through the interactive dungeon area of the show. This area housed helpful volunteers who were dressed in BDSM fetish gear and would both explain or demonstrate the intricacies of BDSM play. An array of BDSM tools and toys were spread out on tables for show goers to see and over to one side one of the volunteers with "Dungeon Slut" written on his back with permanent marker was being flogged. Nearby another dungeon volunteer was showing a show-going couple how to use a flogger. She was kneeling on a horse while her partner made a figure eight pattern on her jean clad backside under the watchful guidance of the flogging instructor.
They had a whole host of fascinating things to see in that dungeon, didn't they? There were people getting zapped with electricity, shibari demos and people being flogged, there were saw horses, stocks and mechanisms to suspend people by and even a display of everyday kitchen implements that could be used for sensory play - all punctuated by the frequent lethal-sounding snap of leather whips. We watched a dom as he worked on his sub and not only explained what he was doing, but also provided a lot of information regarding things to be mindful of for safe play.
The second seminar we attended - Sensational Oral Sex - was not one we had planned on in advance. The time came and we were right there and just decided to sit in and take a break from walking around. Alas, this seminar was NOT interactive and while the presenter, Carlyle, was very informative and entertaining overall (L laughed so much!) - and I was able to take away a tip or two - I felt most of the information covered was fairly basic. Does that make me an advanced cocksucker? I also have to wonder where she was able to purchase a stuffed vulva for demonstration purposes - I think it would make a great pillow/conversation starter for my tv room!
The two major takeaways from the oral sex seminar for me were that oral sex is not foreplay... yeah, she was very clear that oral sex is a sex act unto itself and should not be considered to be foreplay....yes, and to slow down. The presenter emphasised that when giving oral sex to a woman you can never go too slowly. She also reminded us that all people are different and when you find something that works with a particular person you should go with it. After the oral sex seminar was complete we wandered over to the main stage just in time to see Roxi Dlite perform a very entertaining burlesque style strip tease complete with large feather fans and pasties. The highlight of the show was when Roxi ascended into the air on a large chrome ring to complete her show with a sexy and acrobatic routine.
As soon as we entered, we were approached by someone offering a free gift if we signed up with their website. Having a number of 'mischief' email addresses, I used one to sign up and got my coupon for a free vibrating cock ring. We walked down the front row to one end of the vast room and started our walk up and down the aisles. I've been to trade shows before, but never to a sex show and I was a little surprised at the clientele. I kind of expected the average visitors to be younger couples, perhaps in their 20's or early 30's. While that demographic was certainly represented, I was interested to see that there were also many older couples - many in their 50's and 60's - in attendance as well, holding hands as they walked around! Like us, most attendees looked like normal couples you might find next door. Had you ever been to a show like this before, L?
No, I hadn't either so I was curious to see what it was like. We arrived early in the afternoon so it wasn't very busy. We cruised up and down the aisles trying to get a general idea of what was there. It was like most other trade shows you may have attended, booths both big and small with vendors displaying their wares. From sex toys to bondage gear, strip clubs to tattooists there was a wide variety interesting things to see and buy. As we travelled the aisles there was an erotic fashion show underway at the back of the large show hall. Eventually we worked our way to the far back corner where a smaller stage had been set up for presentations. As we walked up, a woman - Lady J - dressed in leather was demonstrating tying up on a volunteer. Oh, I think I forgot to mention that this seminar area was call the Dungeon Stage and her presentation was entitled "I'm a Little Tied Up". She then moved on to discuss what she referred to as "pervertables". These are inexpensive items you can buy at the dollar store but can also be used for sexy play. She offered helpful tips on where to test clips to determine how much they would hurt while she applied her dollar store sourced clothespins to her willing volunteer.
Yes I think we got a lot of good ideas out of that presentation and I suspect a trip to the dollar store will be coming soon! The seminars were put on by Good for Her and they did a great job. I got a copy of their brochure - their seminars are varied and reasonably priced and I can't wait to sign up for some of them. The first seminar we attended happened to be the one that I was most interested in. For a while now, I have wanted to do a lap dance for L as kind of a fun thing to get him going (I hope!) and to help get me out of my shell a bit more. We found seats and got comfortable, ready to watch the seminar, only to find out it was to be interactive! I thought, "What the heck!" and pulled out his chair so there'd be room for me to move around it and I got started learning the dance. I have to say I amazed myself. Several other couples also participated interactively, while many more just sat and looked on. We happened to be the only participating couple in the area where we sat so I think we stood out, but nonetheless, I found the fortitude to gyrate, run my hands all over my curvy body, dance and rub my (albeit fully clothed) butt and boobs all over L in public and even ended up sitting in his lap with my legs up in the air! What a blast! That night I was still so excited about it, I hastened to pick out some hot music and started to work out a more private offering for L. (I'm sure we'll share it with you when it happens, but in the meantime, shhh...don't tell L!)
The first seminar we attended was an introduction to lap dancing. The first thing the presenter had us do was unlink the carefully arranged chairs so participants could move a chair to an area of the room where they could practice their dance moves around it. My job was to sit in the chair and act as a prop for Vixen. Many of the women at the seminar were unaccompanied and had to dance to an empty chair. As the instructor led the room through a lap dance routine I was treated to views of numerous women doing their best sexy moves. Vixen was very understanding about my wandering eye and my focus returned to her as she lightly buffed my lap with her backside and rubbed her breasts over my neck and head from behind. We had been admonished that touching was not allowed it took great effort not to reach out and touch my curvy princess as she danced for me.
After the lap dance seminar we wandered through the interactive dungeon area of the show. This area housed helpful volunteers who were dressed in BDSM fetish gear and would both explain or demonstrate the intricacies of BDSM play. An array of BDSM tools and toys were spread out on tables for show goers to see and over to one side one of the volunteers with "Dungeon Slut" written on his back with permanent marker was being flogged. Nearby another dungeon volunteer was showing a show-going couple how to use a flogger. She was kneeling on a horse while her partner made a figure eight pattern on her jean clad backside under the watchful guidance of the flogging instructor.
They had a whole host of fascinating things to see in that dungeon, didn't they? There were people getting zapped with electricity, shibari demos and people being flogged, there were saw horses, stocks and mechanisms to suspend people by and even a display of everyday kitchen implements that could be used for sensory play - all punctuated by the frequent lethal-sounding snap of leather whips. We watched a dom as he worked on his sub and not only explained what he was doing, but also provided a lot of information regarding things to be mindful of for safe play.
The second seminar we attended - Sensational Oral Sex - was not one we had planned on in advance. The time came and we were right there and just decided to sit in and take a break from walking around. Alas, this seminar was NOT interactive and while the presenter, Carlyle, was very informative and entertaining overall (L laughed so much!) - and I was able to take away a tip or two - I felt most of the information covered was fairly basic. Does that make me an advanced cocksucker? I also have to wonder where she was able to purchase a stuffed vulva for demonstration purposes - I think it would make a great pillow/conversation starter for my tv room!
The two major takeaways from the oral sex seminar for me were that oral sex is not foreplay... yeah, she was very clear that oral sex is a sex act unto itself and should not be considered to be foreplay....yes, and to slow down. The presenter emphasised that when giving oral sex to a woman you can never go too slowly. She also reminded us that all people are different and when you find something that works with a particular person you should go with it. After the oral sex seminar was complete we wandered over to the main stage just in time to see Roxi Dlite perform a very entertaining burlesque style strip tease complete with large feather fans and pasties. The highlight of the show was when Roxi ascended into the air on a large chrome ring to complete her show with a sexy and acrobatic routine.
L takes in Roxi's show
I also found Roxi's show very entertaining, particularly since I am very interested in burlesque dancing and hope to take a class soon. We left the stage show area and stopped briefly at the Dungeon Stage where there was discussion about using electricity for play. We made our third (yes, third!) trip through the interactive dungeon where we both continued to be drawn to the activities. A fellow attendee - a bit of an exhibitionist, it seems - had dropped her pants and was having her thong-clad behind flogged. I looked at L with raised eyebrows - very interesting. I didn't say anything to L, but honestly, had he suggested I take a turn as a floggee over the horse whilst he learned the subtleties of flogging from the dungeon master, I would have been game. As we moved on, L put me in the stocks and took some pictures. Then we noticed a Seminar going on that had not been listed anywhere that we had seen and decided to join.
Vixen has already told you about coming upon our next seminar where Carrie Gray demonstrated shibari and spanking. What she didn't tell you was how she was almost vibrating as I held her tightly standing there at the back of the small seminar area as Carrie's volunteer walked forward and leaned forward over the table in preparation for her spanking. When Carrie started open handed spanking the woman, Vixen almost melted in my arms.
After the seminar we went through the aisles one more time paying special attention to the glass dildos. V vacillated back and forth between buying one. After looking at many different styles she seemed particularly drawn to the Lotus and the Scorpius models at the Love Style Glass Adult Toys booth. Though she wasn't quite prepared to buy one on the spot she did take their information card for future reference. We stopped by the Condom Shack booth where we picked up a variety of single condoms to add to our mischief bag. Then it was off to Cupid's Boutique to do some vibrator shopping. The very helpful staff there offered their opinions and even installed batteries in the vibrators we were particularly interested in so we could test drive them.
V checking out a selection of glass dildos
Toy shopping with L was fun. We looked at a number of items as we went through the hall and discussed what would best suit our needs. Although they had number of booths selling glass dildos, the ones at the Love Style booth were clearly a cut above the rest. I kept the brochure they provided and I have found myself looking longingly at them a few times. I hope to be able to buy one for myself soon, but they are so lovely, I can see myself collecting them! I had told L in advance that I was interested in getting a vibrator - I've never owned one, but wanted it not for myself, but for us to play with together. We tried out at least 10 different types before finally choosing the one we did. Something I've wanted to try - and was actually mentioned in the Oral Sex seminar - involves using a vibrator as an enhancement to performing oral on L. All our toy purchases made, it was now early evening and we realized that the traffic in the hall had increased greatly and the aisles were now packed. We were both hungry and decided to leave and grab something to eat. We left the city behind and head back to the shopping mall in the suburbs where we had met earlier.
We parked and went into the mall. Since we each would have dinner waiting when we got home, we decided to make do with a snack. We found a place to sit and chatted about the show while we ate. Hunger for food sated, we head back out to sort out our purchases. I told L to hop in and I'd give him a ride over to his car. En route, I pulled into a parking spot in a dark, quiet area of the lot, turned off the engine and gave L what he calls "the look". He raised the arm of my bucket seat and undid my seatbelt as he pulled me over to his seat to kiss me. We kissed passionately for several minutes as I rubbed his cock through his pants. I stuck my index finger into his pants waist and playfully tugged twice on his belt. L immediately got my wordless code for "open up, I want in!" and pulled out his lovely cock to play. I kneeled between the seats and as L played with my hair with his right hand and ran his left over my ass, I let out all my horny frustration on his willing member. I soon had him raising up to pump into my mouth and just a few strokes later, after a whispered warning, he came in my mouth. I sucked him a while longer, then it was really time to pack up and head home.
We parked and went into the mall. Since we each would have dinner waiting when we got home, we decided to make do with a snack. We found a place to sit and chatted about the show while we ate. Hunger for food sated, we head back out to sort out our purchases. I told L to hop in and I'd give him a ride over to his car. En route, I pulled into a parking spot in a dark, quiet area of the lot, turned off the engine and gave L what he calls "the look". He raised the arm of my bucket seat and undid my seatbelt as he pulled me over to his seat to kiss me. We kissed passionately for several minutes as I rubbed his cock through his pants. I stuck my index finger into his pants waist and playfully tugged twice on his belt. L immediately got my wordless code for "open up, I want in!" and pulled out his lovely cock to play. I kneeled between the seats and as L played with my hair with his right hand and ran his left over my ass, I let out all my horny frustration on his willing member. I soon had him raising up to pump into my mouth and just a few strokes later, after a whispered warning, he came in my mouth. I sucked him a while longer, then it was really time to pack up and head home.
I really enjoy spending time with L in all sorts of situations, sexual or otherwise and this day was no exception. I had a really great time, made a number of interesting contacts and got a bunch of new ideas of things for L and I to try - I can't imagine a more perfect day! Thanks, L, for a great day!
We browsed through the mall looking at shoes and dresses, had a small snack in the food court to hold us over until dinner time and then it was back to the car. What can I say, when Vixen gives me that look I'm putty in her hands. How could I disappoint her and not let her suck my cock? It was the perfect ending to a great day. We had such a good time we are already planning to attend Sexapalooza at the end of February.
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